Saturday, October 13, 2012

Lowongan kerja Assistant Area Sales Manager, Unilever Indonesia

Unilever Indonesia has grown to be a leading company of Home and Personal Care as well as Foods and Ice Cream products in Indonesia.

Unilever Indonesia’s portfolio includes many of the world’s best known and well loved brands, such as Pepsodent, Pond’s, Lux, Lifebuoy, Dove, Sunsilk, Clear, Rexona, Vaseline, Rinso, Molto, Sunlight, Wall’s, Blue Band, Royco, Bango and many more.

In Unilever, our people are at the heart of everything we do. Priority is given to their professional development, their life balance, and their ability to contribute equally as part of a diverse workforce. There are more than 3,900 employees throughout the archipelago.

Company website

Job Title: Assistant Area Sales Manager

Job Location: All area in Indonesia

Job Description:
Tugas Utama Assistant Area Sales Manager adalah bekerjasama dengan distributor dari PT. Unilever Indonesia untuk mencapai target penjualan di Pasar Tradisional, menjaga ketersediaan barang,memperluas
area penjualan dan melakukan merchandising di area
yang menjadi tanggungjawabnya


  • Minimum lulus S1 dari segala jurusan, IPK minimal 2.7
  • Minimum 2 tahun pengalaman sebagai sales di perusahaan FMCG & Pharmacy
  • Usia Maksimal 30 tahun
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia
  • Mempunyai pengalaman berorganisasi (memimpin orang selama kuliah/ dipekerjaan saat ini
  • Komunikatif dan mempunyai kemampuan bernegosiasi
  • Mempunyai kemampuan analisa dan berpikir logis, terutama dalam menangani “Angka”
  • Bisa mengendarai mobil dan punya SIM A

Valid until: 31 Oct 2012

How to apply:
Click here to apply.
Or send your application letter, CV and completed application form to Please mention specific field that you are interested in the e-mail subject.

Lowongan kerja Sales Representative UFS, Unilever Indonesia

Unilever Indonesia has grown to be a leading company of Home and Personal Care as well as Foods and Ice Cream products in Indonesia.

Unilever Indonesia’s portfolio includes many of the world’s best known and well loved brands, such as Pepsodent, Pond’s, Lux, Lifebuoy, Dove, Sunsilk, Clear, Rexona, Vaseline, Rinso, Molto, Sunlight, Wall’s, Blue Band, Royco, Bango and many more.

In Unilever, our people are at the heart of everything we do. Priority is given to their professional development, their life balance, and their ability to contribute equally as part of a diverse workforce. There are more than 3,900 employees throughout the archipelago.

Company website

Job Title: Sales Representative UFS

Job Location: Jakarta & Area

Job Description:
To generate sales and achieved agreed target of UFS products, increase product penetration both in targeted existing and new customers and building excellent business relationship at costumer level based on Outlet Territory Management


  • Bachelor from any educational background
  • Min. 2 years experience in sales field
  • Experience in food services is more advantage
  • Good negotiation and communication skill
  • Good in customer management and selling essential
  • Always passionate for growth and dare to explore opportunity

Valid until: 31 Oct 2012

How to apply:
Click here to apply.
Or send your application letter, CV and completed application form to Please mention specific field that you are interested in the e-mail subject.

Lowongan kerja Technician Engineering (ENG-PCE), Astra International

Astra International was founded in 1957, based on a small trading business operated by brothers Tjia Kian Tie and William Soeryadjaya. The family had begun its trading activities by the 1940s, initially operated as a distributor of fruit juices and other agricultural and grocery goods, before adding a small export business as well.

Now Astra has become one of Indonesia's largest diversified conglomerates in Indonesia. Over the years Astra has grown and become the largest automotive distributor and producer in Indonesia partnering with Japanese automakers such as Toyota, Daihatsu and Isuzu.

Company website:

Job Title: Technician Engineering (ENG-PCE)

Gambaran Pekerjaan :

  • Mendesain flow process di line produksi, dan membuat standar/ prosedur pemakaian material, tools, serta peralatan di pabrik.
  • Membuat usulan perbaikan proses produksi yang berjalan, supaya lebih efektif dan efisien
  • Mengembangkan, dan maintain mesin dan peralatan yang digunakan dalam proses produksi

Kualifikasi :

  • Telah lulus / sedang semester akhir D3 Teknik Mesin/ Teknik Eletro / Automotive / Mekatronika
  • IPK 3.00 ; Usia max 25 tahun
  • Menguasai komponen Mesin, Drawing dan Proses Manufaktur
  • Memiliki teamwork yang baik

How to Apply:
Click here to apply

Lowongan kerja Financial Research Analyst (FPA-FRE), Astra International

Astra International was founded in 1957, based on a small trading business operated by brothers Tjia Kian Tie and William Soeryadjaya. The family had begun its trading activities by the 1940s, initially operated as a distributor of fruit juices and other agricultural and grocery goods, before adding a small export business as well.

Now Astra has become one of Indonesia's largest diversified conglomerates in Indonesia. Over the years Astra has grown and become the largest automotive distributor and producer in Indonesia partnering with Japanese automakers such as Toyota, Daihatsu and Isuzu.

Company website:

Job Title: Financial Research Analyst (FPA-FRE)

Gambaran Pekerjaan :

  • Bertanggung jawab mengumpulkan , membandingkan dan menganalisis data-data makro seperti inflasi, suku bunga & harga komoditas secara berkala
  • Menyiapkan dan meng-update data base makro / mikro ekonomi
  • Menganalisis dan menyeleksi model-model keuangan yang dapat diterapkan untuk mendukung sistem pelaporan yang lebih baik

Kualifikasi :

  • Telah Lulus S1 jurusan Ekonomi Pembangunan / Akuntansi / Manajemen Keuangan / Teknik Industri
  • IPK Min 2.75
  • Usia Maks 27 tahun
  • Mengerti dan dapat menganalisis kondisi ekonomi makro / mikro
  • Mampu membuat laporan keuangan dalam bahasa inggris
  • Memahami laporan keuangan
  • Supel & interpersonal yang baik
  • Mengerti aplikasi windows

How to Apply:
Click here to apply

Lowongan kerja IT Planning & Architecture Analyst (PAN-IT), Astra International

Astra International was founded in 1957, based on a small trading business operated by brothers Tjia Kian Tie and William Soeryadjaya. The family had begun its trading activities by the 1940s, initially operated as a distributor of fruit juices and other agricultural and grocery goods, before adding a small export business as well.

Now Astra has become one of Indonesia's largest diversified conglomerates in Indonesia. Over the years Astra has grown and become the largest automotive distributor and producer in Indonesia partnering with Japanese automakers such as Toyota, Daihatsu and Isuzu.

Company website:

Job Title: IT Planning & Architecture Analyst (PAN-IT)

Gambaran Pekerjaan :

  • Mampu mempelajari dan memahami baik proses bisnis maupun sistem yang digunakan.
  • Mampu mengatur dan mempersiapkan kebutuhan POC dngan vendor
  • Mendokomentasikan dan membantu laporan hasil POC
  • Merapikan dokumen terkait arsitektur seperti prosedur, standart-standart.

Kualifikasi :

  • Telah lulus / semester akhir S1 Teknik Informatika / Manajemen Informatika / Teknik Elektro
  • IPK 3.00 ; Usia max 27 tahun
  • Mengetahui teknik hardware IT dan software yang digunakan AHM
  • Memiliki kemampuan presentasi dengan baik
  • Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik
  • Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang baik

How to Apply:
Click here to apply

Lowongan kerja Engineer MQC (QR-MQC), Astra International

Astra International was founded in 1957, based on a small trading business operated by brothers Tjia Kian Tie and William Soeryadjaya. The family had begun its trading activities by the 1940s, initially operated as a distributor of fruit juices and other agricultural and grocery goods, before adding a small export business as well.

Now Astra has become one of Indonesia's largest diversified conglomerates in Indonesia. Over the years Astra has grown and become the largest automotive distributor and producer in Indonesia partnering with Japanese automakers such as Toyota, Daihatsu and Isuzu.

Company website:

Job Title: Engineer MQC (QR-MQC)

Gambaran Pekerjaan :

  • Bertanggung jawab mengolah data claim, dan membuat analisa data claim yang masuk berdasarkan metode tertentu  (FTA, Fish Bone Diagram, dll) , untuk menemukan penyebab permasalahan . 
  • Membentuk Team, mengkoordinasikan , membuat detail rencana aktifitas pemecahan masalah , dan melakukan kontrol progress proyek-proyek improvement yang menjadi tanggung jawabnya .
  • Membuat laporan analisa teknik berdasarkan analisa yang telah dilakukan dan merumuskan masalah identifikasi masalah .
  • Melakukan verifikasi terhadap rencana dan realisasi perbaikan dan tindakan pencegahannya , serta melakukan monitor claim terhadap kasus setelah perbaikan .
  • Membuat informasi teknik bahwa perbaikan telah dilakukan dan atau menginformasikan "Market Treatment" yang perlu dilakukan .

Kualifikasi :

  • Telah Lulus S1 jurusan Teknik Elektro
  • IPK min 3.00
  • Usia Maks 27 Tahun
  • Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang baik
  • Mampu berpikir dan bekerja secara sistematis dan strategis
  • Dapat berkomunikasi dan bekerjasama dengan baik di dalam Team atau pihak Eksternal . 
  • Memiliki komitmen kerja yang baik
  • Memiliki integritas yang tinggi .

How to Apply:
Click here to apply

Lowongan kerja Quality Inspector (QIN-LD), Astra International

Astra International was founded in 1957, based on a small trading business operated by brothers Tjia Kian Tie and William Soeryadjaya. The family had begun its trading activities by the 1940s, initially operated as a distributor of fruit juices and other agricultural and grocery goods, before adding a small export business as well.

Now Astra has become one of Indonesia's largest diversified conglomerates in Indonesia. Over the years Astra has grown and become the largest automotive distributor and producer in Indonesia partnering with Japanese automakers such as Toyota, Daihatsu and Isuzu.

Company website:

Job Title: Quality Inspector  (QIN-LD)

Gambaran Pekerjaan :

  • Memastikan sproses pemuatan dan pengikatan motor di truk sesuai SOP
  • Memberi masukan perbaikan atas proses loading motor
  • Memastikan proses distribusi lancar dengan komunikasi baik ke pihak Shipping dan Ekspedisi

Kualifikasi :

  • Telah lulus / semester akhir jurusan Teknik Msin / Teknik Elektro / Teknik Informatika / Manajemen Informatika
  • IPK 3.00 ; Usia max 25 tahun
  • Dapat mengoperasikan kompter dengan baik
  • Memiliki logika dan kemampuan teknis dasar yang baik
  • Teliti

How to Apply:
Click here to apply

Lowongan kerja Logistic Supervisor (LSU-LOG), Astra International

Astra International was founded in 1957, based on a small trading business operated by brothers Tjia Kian Tie and William Soeryadjaya. The family had begun its trading activities by the 1940s, initially operated as a distributor of fruit juices and other agricultural and grocery goods, before adding a small export business as well.

Now Astra has become one of Indonesia's largest diversified conglomerates in Indonesia. Over the years Astra has grown and become the largest automotive distributor and producer in Indonesia partnering with Japanese automakers such as Toyota, Daihatsu and Isuzu.

Company website:

Job Title: Logistic Supervisor (LSU-LOG)

Gambaran Pekerjaan :

  • Menganalisa sales, distribusi dan stock motor per MD
  • Menjaga stock level yang sehat di Main Dealer
  • Menentukan pembagian unit motor per MD
  • Mengkoordinasi dengan bagian sales dan MD
  • Supervisi ke MD
  • Melakukan proses PDCA di area logistic

Kualifikasi :

  • Telah lulus / semester akhir jurusan Teknik Industri
  • IPK 3.00 ; Usia max 27 tahun
  • Memiliki kemampuan berbahasa dengan baik
  • Logis dan kristis
  • Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang baik

How to Apply:
Click here to apply

Lowongan kerja Warehouse & Quality Supervisor (WSU-LDI), Astra Internatinoal

Astra International was founded in 1957, based on a small trading business operated by brothers Tjia Kian Tie and William Soeryadjaya. The family had begun its trading activities by the 1940s, initially operated as a distributor of fruit juices and other agricultural and grocery goods, before adding a small export business as well.

Now Astra has become one of Indonesia's largest diversified conglomerates in Indonesia. Over the years Astra has grown and become the largest automotive distributor and producer in Indonesia partnering with Japanese automakers such as Toyota, Daihatsu and Isuzu.

Company website:

Job Title: Warehouse & Quality Supervisor (WSU-LDI)

Gambaran Pekerjaan :

  • Menganalisa dan mengkontrol kecukupan gudang MD dan dealer
  • Menganalisa kualitas pengiriman dan penyimpanan unit di MD
  • Memberikan inprovement dalam hal perbaikan kualitas kirim
  • Berkomunikasi dengan MD, ekspedisi dan pihak lain yang terkait dalam proses distribusi unit

Kualifikasi :

  • Telah lulus / semester akhir jurusan Teknik Industri
  • IPK 3.00 ; Usia max 27 tahun
  • Memiliki Analytical dan Logical Thinking yang baik
  • Memilki kemampuan berkomunikasi dengan baik

How to Apply:
Click here to apply

Lowongan kerja Marketing Research Analyst (CIS-MRA), Astra International

Astra International was founded in 1957, based on a small trading business operated by brothers Tjia Kian Tie and William Soeryadjaya. The family had begun its trading activities by the 1940s, initially operated as a distributor of fruit juices and other agricultural and grocery goods, before adding a small export business as well.

Now Astra has become one of Indonesia's largest diversified conglomerates in Indonesia. Over the years Astra has grown and become the largest automotive distributor and producer in Indonesia partnering with Japanese automakers such as Toyota, Daihatsu and Isuzu.

Company website:

Job Title: Marketing Research Analyst (CIS-MRA)

Gambaran Pekerjaan :

  • Bertangung jawab dalam melakukan research mengenai product , market , event .
  • Melakukan proses perencanaan , pelaksanaan dan pelaporan dari proses research .
  • Melakukan analisa mengenai pasar sepeda motor berdasarkan Brand , type , category , dan  area  secara terintegrasi , sebagai masukan ke Departement terkait yang membutuhkan (Brand / Sales).
  • Melakukan kerja sama dengan Main Dealer , konsultant research dan bagian terkait lainnya .

Kualifikasi :

  • Telah lulus S1 jurusan Statistika / Teknik Industri / Ekonomi / all major yang memiliki pengetahuan yang baik tentang Research .
  • IPK min  3.00
  • Usia Maks 27 tahun
  • Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang memadai . 
  • Mampu menganalisa pasar , kondisi market , position brand / product , karakteristik market . 
  • Memiliki kemampuan mengolah hasil research dengan baik dan menyajikan dalam Marketing Research Report yang memadai .
  • Memiliki kemampuan bahasa inggris yang baik , dan mampu menyajikan Marketing Research Report dalam Bahasa Inggris.
  • Memiliki kemampuan Computer yang baik (Ms Office / Excell / Power Point) .
  • Memiliki rasa keingintahuan yang besar pada kondisi pasar / brand / product Automotive roda dua (Sepeda Motor) .
  • Memiliki daya kreatifitas yang tinggi .
  • Bersedia bekerja di luar kantor dan mobile dalam intensitas yang cukup tinggi .
  • Pernah melakukan kegiatan marketing research atau memiliki pengalaman min . 1 tahun di bidang Marketing Research .

How to Apply:
Click here to apply

Lowongan kerja CS Training Development Analyst (HC3 - TDA), Astra International

Astra International was founded in 1957, based on a small trading business operated by brothers Tjia Kian Tie and William Soeryadjaya. The family had begun its trading activities by the 1940s, initially operated as a distributor of fruit juices and other agricultural and grocery goods, before adding a small export business as well.

Now Astra has become one of Indonesia's largest diversified conglomerates in Indonesia. Over the years Astra has grown and become the largest automotive distributor and producer in Indonesia partnering with Japanese automakers such as Toyota, Daihatsu and Isuzu.

Company website:

Job Title: CS Training Development Analyst (HC3 - TDA)

Gambaran Pekerjaan :

  • Bertanggung jawab dalam mendesain dan maintain program pengembangan training di Jaringan (Main Dealer) .
  • Menganalisa data dan informasi untuk improvement Customer Service .
  •  Menganalisa , improvement dan monitoring system informasi dari dan ke seluruh jaringan Honda di Indonesia .
  • Mengimplementasikan dan mengimprove sistem training yang berkaitan dengan Customer Service . 
  • Sosialisasi , koordinasi dengan bagian terkait dan jaringan .

Kualifikasi :

  • Telah Lulus S1 jurusan Teknik Industri / Manajemen
  • IPK min 3.00 
  • Usia Maks 27 tahun
  • Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi & interpersonal yang baik dan luwes .
  • Memiliki kemampuan analisa dan logika berpikir yang memadai .
  • Memiliki kemampuan problem solving yang baik dan taktis .
  • Mampu membangun jaringan / networking dengan pihak luar dengan baik dan strategis .
  • Mampu bekerja dalam tuntutan yang tinggi , ritme kerja yang cepat dan sesuai date line .
  • Bersedia melakukan travelling dengan intensitas tinggi .

How to Apply:
Click here to apply

Lowongan kerja System Development Analyst Customer Relations, Astra International

Astra International was founded in 1957, based on a small trading business operated by brothers Tjia Kian Tie and William Soeryadjaya. The family had begun its trading activities by the 1940s, initially operated as a distributor of fruit juices and other agricultural and grocery goods, before adding a small export business as well.

Now Astra has become one of Indonesia's largest diversified conglomerates in Indonesia. Over the years Astra has grown and become the largest automotive distributor and producer in Indonesia partnering with Japanese automakers such as Toyota, Daihatsu and Isuzu.

Company website:

Job Title: System Development Analyst Customer Relations (HC3 - SDA)

Gambaran Pekerjaan :

  • Bertanggung jawab dalam melakukan analisa dan desain system untuk perbaikan pelayanan di jaringan .
  • Menganalisa data dan informasi untuk pengembangan program .
  • Melakukan sosialisasi , koordinasi dengan bagian terkait di AHM dan Jaringan .

Kualifikasi :

  • Telah Lulus S1 jurusan Sistem Informasi / Matematika / Statistika / Teknik Informatika / Teknik Industri
  • IPK min 3.00
  • Usia Maks 27 tahun
  • Memiliki kemampuan analisa dan logika berpikir yang memadai. 
  • Memiliki kemampuan analisa system IT yang baik .
  • Mampu mengintegrasikan  system yang harus dikembangan dalam Customer Relations .

How to Apply:
Click here to apply

Lowongan kerja New Model Analyst (TSD-NMA), Astra International

Astra International was founded in 1957, based on a small trading business operated by brothers Tjia Kian Tie and William Soeryadjaya. The family had begun its trading activities by the 1940s, initially operated as a distributor of fruit juices and other agricultural and grocery goods, before adding a small export business as well.

Now Astra has become one of Indonesia's largest diversified conglomerates in Indonesia. Over the years Astra has grown and become the largest automotive distributor and producer in Indonesia partnering with Japanese automakers such as Toyota, Daihatsu and Isuzu.

Company website:

Job Title: New Model Analyst (TSD-NMA)

Gambaran Pekerjaan :

  • Bertanggung jawab mencari , mengumpulkan , mengolah dan menganalisa Service Ability dan Quality Data Base .
  • Melakukan koordinasi New Model Service Preparation Activity .
  • Membuat dan mengusulkan New Model Design Improvement .

Kualifikasi :

  • Telah Lulus S1 jurusan Teknik Mesin
  • IPK Min 3.00
  • Usia Maks 27 tahun .
  • Memiliki kemampuan analisa dan logika berpikir yang baik.
  • Memiliki kemampuan Problem Solving yang baik .
  • Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi dan interpersonal skill yang baik .
  • Kemampuan bahasa Inggris baik lisan dan tulisan cukup memadai .

How to Apply:
Click here to apply

Lowongan kerja Tools & Equipt Distribution Analyst (TSD-TED), Astra International

Astra International was founded in 1957, based on a small trading business operated by brothers Tjia Kian Tie and William Soeryadjaya. The family had begun its trading activities by the 1940s, initially operated as a distributor of fruit juices and other agricultural and grocery goods, before adding a small export business as well.

Now Astra has become one of Indonesia's largest diversified conglomerates in Indonesia. Over the years Astra has grown and become the largest automotive distributor and producer in Indonesia partnering with Japanese automakers such as Toyota, Daihatsu and Isuzu.

Company website:

Job Title: Tools & Equipt Distribution Analyst (TSD-TED)

Gambaran Pekerjaan :

  • Bertanggung jawab dalam menganalisa kebutuhan tools di jaringan .
  • Melakukan koordinasi Pengadaan dan Pemenuhan Tools .
  • Menganalisa kebutuhan Budget pengadaan Tools .
  • Menganalisa dan menentukan harga jual tools .
  • Merancang bangun Tools dan Equipment .

Kualifikasi :

  • Telah Lulus S1 jurusan Teknik Mesin .
  • IPK Min 3.00
  • Usia Maks 27 tahun .
  • Memiliki kemampuan analisa dan logika berpikir yang baik .
  • Memiliki kemampuan problem solving yang baik .
  • Mampu berbahasa Inggris baik lisan dan tulisan .
  • Menguasai computer (Ms Office , Excell , Power Point , Autocad) .
  • Memiliki minat dalam bidang Automotive roda dua (sepeda motor).
  • Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dan interpersonal yang baik .

How to Apply:
Click here to apply

Lowongan kerja Material Publication Processor, Astra International

Astra International was founded in 1957, based on a small trading business operated by brothers Tjia Kian Tie and William Soeryadjaya. The family had begun its trading activities by the 1940s, initially operated as a distributor of fruit juices and other agricultural and grocery goods, before adding a small export business as well.

Now Astra has become one of Indonesia's largest diversified conglomerates in Indonesia. Over the years Astra has grown and become the largest automotive distributor and producer in Indonesia partnering with Japanese automakers such as Toyota, Daihatsu and Isuzu.

Company website:

Job Title: Material Publication Processor (TSD-MPU)
Job Location: Jakarta 

Gambaran Pekerjaan :

  • Bertanggung jawab dalam mendesain material publikasi secara kreatif terkait dengan aktifitas promosi sesuai dengan tuntutan project .
  • Mengkoordinasikan pengadaan , pemenuhan serta distribusi material publikasi .
  • Menerjemaahkan Manual Teknik dari Bahasa Inggris ke Bahasa Indonesia .

  • Telah Lulus D3 jurusan Teknik Mesin.
  • IPK Min 3.00
  • Usia Maks 25 tahun.
  • Menguasai Software Graphic Design (Coreldraw , Illustrator , Photoshop).
  • Mempunyai kemampuan bekerja secara team work maupun mandiri.
  • Menguasai Bahasa Inggris baik lisan dan tulisan.
  • Memiliki kemampuan problem solving yang baik.
  • Memiliki ketertarikan minat pada bidang Automotive roda dua (sepeda motor).
  • Kemampuan dalam melaksanakan tugas dalam tekanan kerja yang tinggi.
How to Apply:
Click here to apply


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